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The Illustrated Brief History of Time, Updated and Expanded Edition
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From Library Journal
A new edition?with pictures?for those who couldn't fathom the original.Copyright 1996 Reed Business Information, Inc.
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"He can explain the complexities of cosmological physics with an engaging combination of clarity and wit—His is a brain of extraordinary power."—New York Review of Books"Hawking has succeeded in writing two intertwined books, one a highly readable and popular account of the role of time in physics, the other an in-depth review—What makes all this so interesting is Hawking's ability to convoy the essential physics in words alone."—Physics Today"In his first work of popular science, Stephen Hawking proves himself to be a master of vivid clarity—It's difficult to think of anyone else living who could have put these mathematically formidable subjects more clearly."—Chicago Tribune"A masterful summary of what physicists now think the world is made of and how it got that way."—Wall Street journal"This book marries a child's wonder to a genius's intellect. We journey into Hawking's universe while marvelling at his mind."—Sunday Times, London"The famous theoretical physicist best known for his inquiries into the nature of black holes—turns out to be as skilled a popular writer as he is a mathematician—The result is probably the best single book on astrophysics for the common reader. Thank you, Dr. Hawking!"—Booklist"Lively and provocative—Hawking clearly possesses a natural teacher's gift—easy, good-natured humor and an ability to illustrate highly complex propositions with analogies plucked from daily life."—New York Times"Charming and lucid—gives the general reader an opportunity to learn some deep science directly from the source—[A book of] sunny brilliance."—New Yorker
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Product details
Hardcover: 248 pages
Publisher: Bantam; Updated, Subsequent edition (October 1, 1996)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0553103741
ISBN-13: 978-0553103748
Product Dimensions:
7.8 x 0.7 x 10.2 inches
Shipping Weight: 1.9 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review:
4.7 out of 5 stars
201 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#8,018 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
Frankly I'm unqualified to rate this. Thus, it gets a 5 star to avoid doing it a disservice. While considering myself fairly intelligent, it's evident I'm not in this league. Having read and understood all of the words in this book, I just do not have a firm grasp on much of what Mr. Hawking presents. The concepts, proofs and theries are beyond my ability to comprehend. He makes a great attempt to reach the non-scientist reader. A really good job; a terrific effort. But this reader wasn't up to the task.
As a University chemistry student in the late 1960's, and a lifelong lay follower of such apparently unrelated topics as black holes, particle physics and Pastafarianism, I found this edition of the Illustrated Brief History of Time to be an excellent review of the subject from the time of the Greek philosophers to modern times. Hawkings traces thought of the nature of the World through the eyes of ancient contributors to the scientific revolution to the study of atomic physics of the last century or two to modern times. One can be a novice and come away with a firm grasp of the subject. One can be partially trained to a certain level, breeze through those parts, and jump in where his knowledge is at it's limit. You will not find complicated differential equations to struggle with, but you will find down to earth explanations to easily understand. As to Pastafarianism, well pasta is made of carbohydrate, C, H and O. Hawkings will explain where these basic elements came from and where they are going.
In terms of publishing, the 1996 The Illustrated A Brief History of Time is a beautiful book with costly design, illustrations and paper stock.It is unfortunate that the caption on p. 144 of Professor Stephen Hawking's illustrated book identifies the wrong pope with whom Prof. Hawking met in 1981. It was not Pope Paul but Pope John Paul II (who was pope from 1978-2005). Paul VI was pope from 1963 to 1978. If there are to be future editions of this illustrated book, I hope that the error can be corrected. Just as misspellings do, a mistake such as this calls into question the accuracy of the whole text. Subsequent scientific work after this book's publication reportedly supports Prof. Hawking's ideas. Typos undercut. Fix, please.
A Great addition to his first edition (which hand me actually thinking in for dimensions for the fist time in my life). So sad of his passing as the greatest theoretical physicist since Einstein.
nice gift for grandson
I already had this book and enjoyed the late S. Hawking insights. The illustrated version adds a visual appeal to it and it is the one I want in my bookcase.
This was purchased as a gift for a friend so I haven't read it. My friend, however seems thrilled.
As Hawking confesses, this is one of those Physics books which will try to explain you everything without feeding you real meat or printing single equation (i.e., except E=MC2). So the result is that after reading this book you would start believing that somebody taught you Chinese but apparently you can't write a single letter in Chinese. I bought the book simply because I think Hawking is probably the closest in living people who can sit next to Einstein and Newton. The way it starts is really engaging. Illustrations and those full color images are absolutely fantastic. The way the book goes is to take you on the journey to just few microseconds after the big bang to few minutes after. The most interesting part of the book is the discussions and disputes about singularity. I guess that alone (or just that, depending on your view) is worth the price of the book. It's written with lots of passion, clever remarks and it will make you think. But soon enough you will realize you are a helpless being quickly descending in the muddy quicksand. As the chapter passes by, the topics get increasingly fuzzy and extremely confusing. I won't blame the author as the publisher didn't allow him to put "real meat" in his writings. These kind of advanced topics are inherently difficult to understand without presenting actual equations and dealing with guts and gore. I read the later parts of the book 3 times trying to make sense of it and finally came to a conclusion that it is impossible to extract a logical meaning of that part of text, even though it's syntactically correct. So buy this book to get some first hand insights in to singularity and dive in to black holes, but save your time by skipping later chapters.
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